Aug 31, 2011

How Microsoft's Kinect could bring gesture recognition to business apps


Aug 30, 2011

nide - Beautiful IDE for Node.JS

nide is a web-based IDE for Node.js, designed with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind.

The current version of nide was designed and developed in only 48 hours, at the Node.js KO coding competition.

Fulcrum - Alternative to Pivotal Tracker Project Management Tool

Fulcrum is an agile project management tool. It provides a real time overview of your project plan (product backlog), instantly adjusting the project plan based upon your team's prior performance.

Fulcrum aims to create an experience as instantaneous and interactive as the traditional tool for agile project management, the whiteboard.

Aug 29, 2011

Rails 3.1.0.rc8 has been released !!!

This is the final release candidate. Rails 3.1.0 will be release next on August 30th :-)

rubygems-pwn: A Vulnerability in RubyGems

If you've seen people saying to run  gem install rubygems-pwn  on Twitter (which I don't advise!), it's because it's a proof of concept for a vulnerabilty in RubyGems.

The rubygems-pwn project on GitHub has more information about it, but essentially you can push arbitrary Ruby code into gemspec parameters which will then be executed later on.

The vulnerability has been discussed in the rubygems repo where a fix has already been made but, hopefully, more general fixes should be made available soon. (If you want to see the direct example of a malicious gemspec, look here.)

Source: RubyFlow

Aug 25, 2011

Digging Into The Rails Command Line

Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when you start your server using the following command: ?

rails s

Storks has written an excellent article on how the command is hooked up with the rails application.

Source: Storks

Apple’s COO Tim Cook Replaces Steve Jobs As CEO

Apple’s Steve Jobs has resigned from his position as CEO and Apple has just announced
that COO Tim Cook has taken over as CEO.

As COO, Cook was responsible for all of the company’s worldwide sales and operations, including end-to-end management of Apple’s supply chain, sales activities, and service and support in all markets and countries.

He also headed Apple’s Macintosh division and plays a key role in the continued development of strategic reseller and supplier relationships, ensuring flexibility in response to an increasingly demanding marketplace.

Source: TechChrunch

Aug 24, 2011

Engine Yard and Orchestra Join Forces

Engine Yard has acquired Orchestra to add PHP support to the Engine Yard Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Source - EngineYard

Aug 20, 2011

Firefox 7 reaches beta, promises faster browsing

Mozilla released yesterday a beta of Firefox 7, putting the lighter-weight browser in front of a large number of users for the first time.
According to Mozilla, Firefox 7 uses significantly less memory than Firefox 4 through Firefox 6, cutting consumption by as much as 50 percent .

You can download the beta version here

Ruby - Finding Unused Methods Statically

Laser can see when you don't use a method, even through some interesting cases with send and public_send See how it works, and when it doesn't!

Rails 2.3.14, 3.0.10 and 3.1.0-rc6 Released

The Rails developers have pushed out three new releases in tandem to fix the same security vulnerabilities. All three major branches have been covered. The vulnerabilities include:

  • SQL injection vulnerability
  • A way for attackers to render a view without first calling the corresponding action
  • A XSS vulnerability in the strip_tags helper
  • Another XSS vulnerability, this time having to do with the UTF8 parsing code

It's recommended that everyone upgrade, as the SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities can be particularly damaging.

    Twitter Releases Bootstrap, A Set Of Tools To Build Web Apps Using CSS

    Twitter has just released Bootstrap, a new toolkit to build web apps using CSS. It includes base CSS styles for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, alerts, and more. You can access Bootstrap on GitHub here.
    Twitter says that Bootstrap was launched as a way to provide a consistent framework for the front end of individual applications. The toolkit was originally developed during Twitter’s first Hackweek, and Twitter has been working on the tools to release to developers.
    Source: Techrunch

    Brightbox - Serious rails hosting out of the box

    Brightbox provides Xen-based virtualised servers, optimised for hosting Ruby on Rails.

    Each Brightbox server comes with RAID10 storage, access to our managed MySQL cluster and the Brightbox Rails stack preinstalled.


    Aug 18, 2011

    Orion Henry on Heroku, Doozer and Paxos, Ruby

    Orion Henry explains what make Heroku's PaaS tick, in particular the new extensible Cedar stack as well as Doozer, the implementation of the Paxos algorithm created at Heroku.


    rbenv: A Simple, New Ruby Version Management Tool

    rbenv is a new lightweight Ruby version management tool built by Sam Stephenson (of 37signals and Prototype.js fame). 

    The established leader in the Ruby version management scene is RVM but rbenv is an interesting alternative if you want or need something significantly lighter with fewer features. 

    Think of it as a bit like Sinatra and Rails.


    Interview: Aaron Patterson upon Rails 3.1 as well as Ruby Performance

    Aaron Patterson talks about opening in Ruby as well as Rails, a small of a hurdles Rails as well as Rack poise for a Ruby GC, as well as most more.


    Rails HTTP Status Code to Symbol Mapping

    Status CodeStatus MessageSymbol
    1xx Informational
    101Switching Protocols:switching_protocols
    2xx Success
    203Non-Authoritative Information:non_authoritative_information
    204No Content:no_content
    205Reset Content:reset_content
    206Partial Content:partial_content
    226IM Used:im_used
    3xx Redirection
    300Multiple Choices:multiple_choices
    301Moved Permanently:moved_permanently
    303See Other:see_other
    304Not Modified:not_modified
    305Use Proxy:use_proxy
    307Temporary Redirect:temporary_redirect
    4xx Client Error
    400Bad Request:bad_request
    402Payment Required:payment_required
    404Not Found:not_found
    405Method Not Allowed:method_not_allowed
    406Not Acceptable:not_acceptable
    407Proxy Authentication Required:proxy_authentication_required
    408Request Timeout:request_timeout
    411Length Required:length_required
    412Precondition Failed:precondition_failed
    413Request Entity Too Large:request_entity_too_large
    414Request-URI Too Long:request_uri_too_long
    415Unsupported Media Type:unsupported_media_type
    416Requested Range Not Satisfiable:requested_range_not_satisfiable
    417Expectation Failed:expectation_failed
    422Unprocessable Entity:unprocessable_entity
    424Failed Dependency:failed_dependency
    426Upgrade Required:upgrade_required
    5xx Server Error
    500Internal Server Error:internal_server_error
    501Not Implemented:not_implemented
    502Bad Gateway:bad_gateway
    503Service Unavailable:service_unavailable
    504Gateway Timeout:gateway_timeout
    505HTTP Version Not Supported:http_version_not_supported
    507Insufficient Storage:insufficient_storage
    510Not Extended:not_extended

    Source:  codyfauser